Wednesday 26 January 2011

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

[Disclaimer: I am about to go all deep and thoughtful on you. You have been warned.]

A week or so ago I dragged one of my wussy best partners in crime to see Danny Boyle's 127 Hours. I read the book a few years ago and couldn't put it down (one of the very few I've made it past the first few pages of), so I was itching to see the on-screen version. The partner in crime, on the other hand, is still emotionally scarred from watching The Sixth Sense 11 years ago and was jumping and cowering before the trailers even started. But it's all good. She endured it, I loved it and we both went home happy... or at least I went home happy and she went home and couldn't sleep.

Anyway, there's a line in the book which didn't really resonate with me until I heard it again in the film. As Aron contemplates his grim situation he comes out with this little gem: "This rock has been waiting for me my entire life. I’ve been moving towards it my whole life." I don't know why this made such an impact on my tiny brain, especially as when he said it my partner in crime was unsuccessfully attempting to sneak off to the nearest exit, but it did. What an awesome thought.

Over the past few weeks I've been seriously thinking about what I actually want from life and have realised that for the last two years I haven't had a clue what I'm doing. For one reason or another 2009 was pretty much written off as far as clear and practical thinking goes and 2010 was spent trying to gain any form of stability possible. But now I think about it, I'm not sure if my intentions were based on what I actually wanted or what I thought I needed. Hmm. Going back to the rock though... it made me wonder - does everyone have a rock they're heading towards? Obviously not an actual rock but a metaphorical one (unless you're one of the 0.00001% of people who will get stuck under a boulder and actually have to cut a limb off in order to survive... remember to always have your Swiss Army knife on you just in case).

I guess the metaphorical rock could be different things, or maybe even a series of things, to different people - a job, location, friend, 'the one', or maybe even an actual boulder. But whatever it is to you, you’re always moving towards it… which is quite a hopeful thought is it not? I reckon it’s quite comforting to know that whatever you're searching for is gradually getting closer by the second! Even if you achieve nothing in a whole day you're still that little bit closer, and even if you spend two years skipping about pretending everything is under complete control, it's not necessarily wasted time.

I think I'm slowly starting to realise what I currently want from life and what I personally want to achieve for myself. Luckily I haven't had to slowly saw my own arm off with a blunt knife in order to realise it, but I reckon without going through the past two years the way I have done, I wouldn't be realising it all now. I’m a firm believer in ‘whatever will be will be’ and in this instance I believe that the rock I’m currently moving towards has always been working towards me. I realise that makes no sense to anyone reading this as I haven’t actually divulged what it is I’m talking about, but all will be revealed in the goodness of time.

Basically what I’m saying is that to those of you who are monotonously job searching, frustrated with your current situation or having to deal with the fallout of other peoples selfish actions, just think... there's a boulder out there just waiting to fall on you, every day it gets closer and when it eventually squashes you against a canyon wall its going to give you hope and change your life for the better. Unless it’s an actual boulder in an actual canyon… but, hey - now that you’ve read this you’ll have your Swiss Army knife on you, and it'll all be gravy!

Right. End of seriousness. Here’s something amusing and yet thoroughly heartbreaking to lighten the mood:

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Aloha and Bienvenue!

Ok, so first things first… welcome to my blog! I’m not going to lie, it’s going to be pretty dull reading for anyone who isn’t me and doesn’t ‘get’ my sense of humour, so either close your browser now or forever hold your peace.

Basically I wanted to start blogging because a – it’s a good way to better ye olde writing skills, b – it gives me something more productive to do than google things like ‘onesies for adults’ and c – it frees my very good friends of having to listen to my pointless rambling. (Although now I’ll just be spamming them with it instead.) 

There’s not going to be any particular rhyme or reason to what I blog about, it’s just going to be whatever pops into my tiny brain when the clock strikes blog ‘o’ clock!

Joey xx