Aside from eating turkey-based leftovers and watching movies, Boxing Day at home usually involves flicking through the news channels to find coverage of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race. I'm not sure why it's become such a Boxing Day ritual as none of my family sail, but I love boats and would jump at the chance to try sailing so I always take interest.
This year, being located in the starting city, I wasn't going to pass up the chance to watch it for realz so I made the loooong, cramped and ridiculously busy bus journey to the headland above Watsons Bay to catch a glimpse of the action.
About 80 gazillion people had the same idea which resulted in myself and my two companions ditching the bus half way and walking the rest in in the muggy heat. Totally worth it, even if the bus did eventually overtake us and arrive at our destination before us…
Once arriving at the headland we clambered around to find a good spot and eventually perched ourselves on some rocks that gave us a view back across the harbour and out to sea – perfect! The next 45 minutes or so were spent watching the yachts gradually move their way along the harbour, with small boats and helicopters following alongside, ducking and weaving ridiculously close by! Very cool to see in real life – I’m a great believer of experiencing something rather than watching it on TV, but in this case I reckon you watch it for real once and then revert to modern day technology!
Watching the race was awesome, even if it was as muggy as hell and the rain was just hanging there in the air, waiting for an opportune moment to pour down on us! One life goal complete, one life goal created: to be in Hobart when the race finishes!

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